1″Garden Style“ afterparty // Meet & Greet

 25th September, 2021, 6 PM – 9 PM

garden Style kontaktų vakaras

The Meet & Greet evening will take place after the conference.

When: 6 PM – 9 PM

Where: In Vilnius, exact location will be announced soon

Price: 49 Eur, VAT included

Early Bird price: 44,90 Eur (valid until 19th September 11:59 PM Lithuanian time)

Catering: Snacks and a glass of wine included

Covid 19 precaution: Covid certificate is required.

Agenda includes Photo contest awards

Meet like-minded people and make your evening more interesting! You will meet conference speakers in person and chat with designers about gardening and landscaping.

We’ve heard of specific cases after previous “Garden Style” conferences, where foreign speakers have been invited to projects and events in Lithuania, where Lithuanians have travelled to Latvia to participate in exclusive landscaping projects as partners, and where world-renowned speakers have collaborated with Lithuanian designers and consulted them on landscaping designs in Lithuania.

Looking for business contacts, career opportunities or just want to have a great time? Register now and we will take care of the rest.